Jennifer Elick, Ph.D.
Earth & Environmental Sciences
- PHD, Univ of Tennessee Knoxville
- MS, Kansas State University Manhattan
- BS, Temple University
Associate Professor of Earth & Environmental Sciences
Co-Department Head of Earth & Environmental Sciences
Contact Information
Phone Number570-372-4214
Office LocationNatural Sciences Center - Rm 111C

Elick is a geologist who specializes in paleoenvironmental reconstruction and sedimentary rocks/environments. Being a geologist at Susquehanna has also allowed her to study mass wasting and rock slides, legacy sediments, landscape evolution, the subsurface mine fire at Centralia, and most recently, microplastics in wastewater effluent flowing into the Susquehanna River.
Her latest publication A Geologic View from Shikellamy Overlook includes interpretations on ancient environments, recent glacial history and landscape evolution at this local state park. This publication was written after taking students on many field trips over the years to the park to show and teach them about these subjects. In fact, Elick has researched and written on many of the locations she takes students to visit because she sees the world as a large classroom.
Elick teaches Geology and the Environment, Oceanography, Earth System History, Sedimentology and Stratigraphy, and The Susquehanna River. She also teaches the earth and environmental sciences senior capstone class and is a co-director of the Global Opportunities program in Ireland and Northern Ireland.
1995-1999 University of Tennessee- Knoxville, Ph.D. Geology
1993-1995 Kansas State University- Manhattan, M.S. Geology
1992 University of Pennsylvania Field Camp (Y.B.R.A.)
1989-1993 Temple University, B.S. Geology
1999-2000 Dickinson College, Visiting Assistant Professor
2000- present Susquehanna University, Assistant Professor
2005- tenured and promoted to Associate Professor
Society for Sedimentary Geology (SEPM)
Geological Society of America (GSA)
Northeastern Geological Society of America (NEGSA)
Division of Coal Geology
2014-2015 GO New Orleans Program Director, (Global Opportunities)
2012 Hurricane Sandy Relief Leader, Toms River, NJ
2007(spr)-2011 (spr) Department Chair.
2005 Hurricane Katrina Relief Team leader, New Orleans, LA
2000-Present Associate Professor Susquehanna University Geology
Environmental Geology (101), Environmental Hazards (102), Earth System History (103), Geology and the Environment (113), Oceanography (213), Mineralogy and Petrology (260), Sedimentology and Stratigraphy (283), Structural Geology (490), Future of the World Ocean (300), Geological Mapping (491), Capstone (591, 595-596), Ecosystems (201), EENV:250 “Geology and the Ecology of the Southwest” and “Geology of the Southern Appalachians”
1999-2000 Visiting Assistant Professor, Dickinson College, Historical, Geology (102), Sedimentation and Stratigraphy (320), Evolution of Terrestrial Environments (490), The Geology of Pennsylvania (495), Instructor of Introductory Geology Labs
1998 Lecturer, University of Tennessee-Knoxville, Historical Geol. (102)
1998 Teaching Assistant, University of Tennessee-Knoxville, Field Camp- White Sulfur Springs, West Virginia
1996-1997 Volunteer Geologist, Park National Forillon, Gaspé Bay, Québec, provide geologic description and interpretation of rocks exposed within and around park
1995-1999 Teaching Assistant, University of Tennessee- Knoxville, Historical Geology, Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
1994-1996 Volunteer Geoscientist, United States Geological Survey, Reston, VA, field geologist in Predictive Stratigraphic Analysis (PSA) Group
1994-1995 Research Assistant, Kansas State University, Paleobiology of Chaetetids and stromatoporoids
1993-1995 Teaching Assistant, Kansas State University, Paleobiology, Introductory Geology & Field Geologist, Kansas State Geological Survey, Lawrence KS
1993 Teaching Assistant, Temple University, Introductory Geology Lab, Ombudsman of Geology Department
2014 Director of GO New Orleans, LA, Program- helped lead 2 GO New Orleans trips and taught pre-trip and post trip reflection classes- summer and winter 2014- 2015.
2013 Death Valley, Red Rock Canyon, Sequoia National Park, Joshua Tree National Preserve, Mohave Desert, Valley of Fire, Hoover Dam: Geoclub
2012 Mammoth Cave, Creationism Museum, and fossil collection on the Cincinnati Arch: Geoclub.
2006 Grand Canyon, Bryce Canyon, Zoin National Park, Sunset Crater, Petrified Forest, Canyon de Chelly, Monument Valley, Grand Staircase, Glen Canyon Dam: Geoclub.
2005- present Island Beach State Park and Long Beach Island, NJ: Ecosystems, Oceanography, and Sedimentology and Stratigraphy classes.
2003-2004 Sandy Hook, NJ: Ecosystems, Oceanography, and Sedimentology and Stratigraphy classes.
2002 Adirondacks, NY: Mineralogy and Petrology and Chemistry of Natural Waters class (Dan Ressler).
Elick, Jennifer M. and Reitz, Derrek.*, 2015, Controls on mass wasting of the Hamilton Group near Sunbury, Pa: Pennsylvania Geology, Pennsylvania Geologic Survey. (Submitted for Publication, “Pennsylvania Geology”, August 21, 2014).
Elick, Jennifer M., 2013, The Effects of Precipitation on Coal Mine Subsidence and Its Implications in Centralia, PA: International Journal of Coal Geology, vol 105, p. 110-119.
Elick, Jennifer M., 2011, Mapping the Coal Fire at Centralia, PA Using Thermal Infrared Imagery: International Journal of Coal Geology, vol 87, p. 197-203.
Elick, Jennifer M., 2006, Large burrows in the Huntley Mountain Formation: Were they produced by lungfish?, in Fleeger, G. M., Haystacks, Ricketts Folly, and the End of the World: Geology of the Glaciated High Plateau: Guidebook, 71st Annual Field Conference of Pennsylvania Geologists, Ricketts Glenn State Park, p. 95-101.
Elick, Jennifer M., 2006, Paleoenvironmental interpretation of the Lock Haven Formation (Upper Devonian), Forksville, PA, in Fleeger, G. M., Haystacks, Ricketts Folly, and the End of the World: Geology of the Glaciated High Plateau: Guidebook, 71st Annual Field Conference of Pennsylvania Geologists, Ricketts Glenn State Park, p. 86-93.
Elick, Jennifer M., 2002, Rockslide in Sunbury, PA, on January 9, 2002: Pennsylvania Geology, vol. 32, no. 3/4, p. 2-7.
Elick, J. M., 2002, Paleoenvironmental interpretation of a marginal marine environment: the Catskill Formation (Upper Devonian) at Wyalusing Rocks, PA, in Inners, J. D., Fleeger, G. M., eds., from Tunkhannock to Starrucca: bluestone, glacial lakes, and great bridges in the “Endless Mountains” of northeastern Pennsylvania: Guidebook, 67th Annual Field Conference of Pennsylvania Geologists, Tunkhannock, PA, p. 8-14.
Driese, Steve G., Mora, Claudia I., and Elick, Jennifer M., 2000, The Paleosol record of increasing plant diversity and depth of rooting and changes in atmospheric pCO2 in the Siluro-Devonian: The Paleontological Society Papers in Phanerozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems, Russell D. White ed., v. 6, p. 47 to 61.
Elick, Jennifer M., Driese, Steve G., and Mora, Claudia I., 1998, Very large plant and root traces from the Early to Middle Devonian: Implications for early terrestrial ecosystems and atmospheric p(CO2): Geology, vol. 26, no. 2, p. 143-146.
Driese, Steve G., Mora, Claudia I., and Elick, Jennifer M., 1997, Morphology of root traces and stump casts of the earliest trees (Middle to Late Devonian), Pennsylvania and New York, U. S. A.: Palaios, v. 12, p. 524-537. * student author.
Clark, Robert H., and Elick, Jennifer M., 2003, Fossil Guide for Sunbury, PA 7.5 Minute Quadrangle: Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Open File Report, 12 p.
Elick, Jennifer M., and Frank, Samuel, 2002, Structure and distribution of the Hamilton Group: Upper and Lower Augusta, (Sunbury, PA 7.5 Minute Quadrangle): Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Open File Report.
Inners Jon D., Elick, Jennifer M., Gillmeister, Norman M., Harrington, Jonathan W., Owens, Thomas, and Woodrow, Donald L., 2002, Geologic meanderings along the North Branch: to Wyalusing and Azilum along Sullivan’s trail: Pre-Conference Field Trip Guidebook 67th Annual Field Conference of Pennsylvania Geologists, Tunkhannock, PA, 44 p.
Elick, Jennifer M., 1999, Paleoenvironmental interpretation of terrestrial deposits from the Cap-aux-Ox and Fort Prével Members of the Battery Point Formation (Early to Middle Devonian), Gaspé Bay, Québec: Ph.D. Dissertation- the University of Tennessee, p. 211.
Elick, Jennifer M., 1995, Stratigraphic Distribution and Interpretation of a Middle Pennsylvanian “Time-Slice” (Croweburg coal to Verdigris limestone): MS Thesis- Kansas State University, 179 p.
Elick, Jennifer M., 1995, Stratigraphic Distribution and Interpretation of a Middle Pennsylvanian “Time-Slice” (Croweburg coal to Verdigris limestone). Kansas Geological Survey Open File Report 95-24. 179 p.
Elick, Jennifer M., 1994, Stromatolites at the top of the Howe Limestone Member (Red Eagle Limestone): in West, R. R. (ed.) Contributions to the Geology of the Rocks Exposed by the “Flood of ’93” at the Tuttle Creek reservoir Spillway near Manhattan, Kansas. Kansas Geological Survey Open-File Report 94-36, p 3.1- 3.7.
Seaman, Kyle A., Elick, Jennifer M., and Holt, Jack R., Revealing The Hidden Past Of Legacy Sediments From Middle Creek Lake, Selinsgrove, Pa…
Elick, J. M., Field Trip Guidebook- Log of Centralia Stop 1- Annual Field Conference of Pennsylvania Geologists: October 2015
Elick, J. M., The science of the Centralia coal fire: what we have learned in 50 years: Annual Field Conference of Pennsylvania Geologists, Fall 2015, in progress.
Elick, J. M., The Geology, Environmental Science, and History of Centralia coal fire: Centralia, PA: Annual Geological Society of America Field trip, field guidebook, Fall 2015, in progress.
Elick, J. M., Geology of Shikellamy State Park and Isle of Que
Elick, J. M., Paradigm shift for an evolving system: Diverse topics related to the Centralia Mine Fire: Journal of Geoscience Education, in progress.
Elick, J. M., The Effects of the Centralia Coal Fire on Vegetation, in progress.
Elick, J. M., and Strella, L.*, 2013, A Jurassic Intrusion in Middle Paleozoic Valley and Ridge Rock: Liverpool, PA: Pennsylvania Geology, in progress.
Elick, Jennifer M., and Seaman, Kyle, 2014, The Missing Legacy of Middle Creek Lake: Implications of Legacy Sediment Erosion: Susquehanna River Symposium, Bucknell University.
Seaman, Kyle A., Elick, Jennifer M., and Holt, Jack R., 2014, Revealing The Hidden Past Of Legacy Sediments From Middle Creek Lake, Selinsgrove, Pa: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs,
Elick, Jennifer M., 2014, Stark comparisons of an island beach complex- influence from man and storms: Abstracts with Programs - Northeastern Section Meeting Geological Society of America, vol. 46, no. 2, p. 21.
Bartoli, Claudia, Elick, Jennifer M., and Ressler, Daniel, 2014, Evaluating the habitat suitability of the bald eagle Haliaeetus Alascanus along the Susquehanna River: National Counsel of Undergradte Research, poster 5.
Bartoli, Claudia, Elick, Jennifer M., and Ressler, Daniel, 2014, Evaluating the habitat suitability of the bald eagle Haliaeetus Alascanus along the Susquehanna River: Pennsylvania Academy of Science
Bartoli, Claudia, Elick, Jennifer M., and Ressler, Daniel, 2014, Evaluating the habitat suitability of the bald eagle Haliaeetus Alascanus along the Susquehanna River: Senior Scholars Day at Susquehanna University.
Sullivan, Evan and Jennifer M. Elick, 2014, Analysis and Interpretation of Devonian age Trace Fossils from the Catskill Formation (Sherman Creek Mbr.): Senior Scholars Day at Susquehanna University.
Neubauer, R. and Elick, Jennifer M., 2013, Production of a physical model of the Centralia Coal Fire: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 45, No. 7, p.589
Elick, J. M., 2012, Temporal Changes in Vegetation Patterns Associated with the Centralia, PA Coal Fire: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America
Elick, J. M., and Strella, L., 2012, Mineralogic and Geochemical Analysis of a Triassic Diabase: Liverpool, PA: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America
Elick, J. M., 2011, Multiple beds of anthracite coal on fire in Centralia, PA: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America
Lucas, C. J., and Elick, J. M., 2011, Undergraduate Research at the Capitol, Legislative Office for Research Liaison (LORL), Capitol Rotunda (East), “Measuring heat loss in buildings on Susquehanna University Campus using Thermal Infrared Imagery”, Academic, State, published in proceedings (April 26, 2011).
Elick, J. M., 2010, Where’s the heat? Re-Evaluation of the coal fire at Centralia, PA using aerial and ground thermal infrared surveys: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America
Elick, Jennifer M., Brown, Kristen, and Seigle, Michele, 2009, Paleoecology and cyclicity of the Tonoloway and Keyser Formations: a guide to understanding limestone composition in Mandata, PA: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, October 2009, Vol. 41, Issue 7, pp.118.
Elick, Jennifer M., and Cole, Andrew, 2008, Deforestation and rapid erosion along Penns Creek: Shamokin Dam, PA: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, vol. 40, no. 6, p, 482.
Elick, Jennifer M., 2007, Mapping the Centralia mine fire in Pennsylvania using infrared aerial photography: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 39, no. 6, p. 298.
Angela C Dippold and Jennifer M. Elick, 2006, A new interpretation for the geology of Centralia, PA: Northeastern Geological Society of America Meeting, Section, 41st annual meeting Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America 38, no. 2 (this same paper was presented at the NCUR meeting in Ashville)
Elick, Jennifer M., 2006, A hypothetical Catskill catena and controls acting on soil formation: 41st annual Northeastern Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, vol. 38, no. 2.
Driese, Steven G., Mora, Claudia I., and Elick, Jennifer M., 2006, Landscape and climate records derived from Devonian vertic floodplain paleosols, Catskill Formation, Central PA: GSA Annual Meeting Program with Abstracts, vol 38, no. 138, p. 181.
Elick, Jennifer M., 2006, Episodic storm and tectonic influences on a shallow marine shelf: the Lock Haven Formation (Upper Devonian), Forksville, PA: GSA Annual Meeting Program with Abstracts, vol. 38, no. 214, p. 217.
Apgar, Jeremy and Elick, Jennifer M., 2005, Characterizing floodplain vegetation from plant root trace patterns: Catskill Formation (Upper Devonian) Northeastern Section of Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, vol. 37, No. 1, p. 67.
Elick, Jennifer M., 2004, Making Geology movies for undergraduate courses: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, Vol. 36, Issue 5, pp.520
Elick, Jennifer M., 2003, Updating geology courses; use of digital video in- and outside of smart classrooms: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, Vol. 35, Issue 6, pp.250.
Schrader, Brett and Elick, Jennifer M., 2003, Comparison of two Upper Devonian Archaeopteris forests in Pennsylvania: Paleoecological and tectonic implications: Northeastern Geological Society of America Meeting Abstracts with Programs
Elick, Jennifer M., and Inners, Jon, 2002, Upper Devonian crawling trace produced by lobe-finned fish: Catskill Formation, Wyalusing PA: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs v. 34, no. 6, p. 424.
Frank, Samuel, and Elick, Jennifer M., 2001, Structure and distribution of the Hamilton Group: Upper and Lower Augusta, (Sunbury, PA 7.5 Minute Quadrangle): Geological Society of America Meeting Abstracts with Programs v. 33, p. 77.
Van Horn, Katherine J., and Elick, Jennifer M., 2001, Some odd things found in red rocks: Sherman Creek Member (Upper Devonian - Catskill Formation), Newport, PA: Geological Society of America Meeting Abstracts with Programs, v.33, p. 35.
Clark, Robert H., and Elick, Jennifer M., 2001, Trace element analysis of mollusk shells along the Susquehanna River: Sunbury to Selinsgrove, PA: Geological Society of America Meeting Abstracts with Programs, v.33, p. 105.
Elick, Jennifer M., Junium, Christopher K., and Caplan, David, 2000, Controls on Late Devonian soil formation; alluvial-plain deposits from the Sherman Creek Member (Catskill Formation), Newport, Pa: Geological Society of America Northeastern Section Abstracts with Programs, p. 49.
Junium, Christopher K., Niemitz, Jeffery W., and Elick, Jennifer M., 2000, Hydrothermal alteration of the Balls Bluff Siltstone, Culpeper Basin, Virginia: Geological Society of America Northeastern Section Abstracts with Programs, p. 46.
Elick, Jennifer M., Mora, Claudia I., and Driese, Steve G., 1999, Implications of elevated atmospheric pCO2 on early vascular land plants: Stable isotope composition of pedogenic carbonate from the Battery Point Formation (Early to Middle Devonian), Gaspé Bay, Canada: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs.
Elick, Jennifer M., 1998, Drainage Patterns, plants and soils in an evolving coastal to fluvial environment, Battery Point Formation, Gaspé, Québec: in New Perspectives on the Old Red Sandstone, Geological Society of London British Sedimentological Research Group Meeting, Peter Friend and Brian Williams (eds.), p. 9.
Elick, Jennifer M., Driese, Steve G., and Mora, Claudia I., 1997, Plant and animal traces in nearshore, coastal-margin to alluvial plain paleosols, Cap-aux-Os Mbr., Battery Point Formation (Lower Devonian), Gaspé, Québec, Canada: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, vol. 29, no. 6.
Driese, Steve G., Mora, Claudia I., and Elick, Jennifer M., 1996, Morphology and taphonomy of root traces and stump casts of the earliest trees (Middle to Late Devonian), Pennsylvania and New York, U. S. A.: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 28, no. 7, p. 61.
Elick, Jennifer M., Driese, Steve G., and Mora, Claudia I., 1996, Evidence for deep Early to Middle Devonian root systems: Prével Member, Battery Point Formation, Gaspé, Québec: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 28, no. 7, p. 61.
Shapiro, Russel, Elick, Jennifer M., and West, Ronald R., 1996, Paleoenvironmental reconstruction based on stromatolites, Lower Permian Red Eagle Limestone, Kansas: PaleoBios, Vol. 17, Issue 1, Suppl., pp. 9-10
Elick, Jennifer M., 1995, Stratigraphic distribution and interpretation of a Pennsylvanian ‘time slice’ (Croweburg Coal to Verdigris Limestone): Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, Vol. 27, Issue 3, pp.47
Elick, Jennifer M., Shapiro, Russell, and West, Ronald R., 1994, Some Upper Pennsylvanian Stromatolites from Kansas: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 26, no. 1, p. 60.
Revealing The Hidden Past Of Legacy Sediments From Middle Creek Lake, Selinsgrove, Pa: Harrisburg Association of Geologists- at Harrisburg GTS Building, March 12, 2015.
The effect of abundant precipitation on coal fire subsidence: Centralia, PA- at Dickinson College (Oct 3, 2013)
2013 Travel Channel- “America Declassified: City on Fire”- The Whitey Bulger Episode….
2012 Discovery channel (Europe)- “Worlds Strangest Underground Places”
Multiple beds of Anthracite coal on Fire in Centralia, PA- Last presentation of the Temple University 50th Anniversary Colloquium (Nov 2011?)
The geology of the Katrina Disaster: Hurricane Relief Class (October, 2011).
How we understand Geologic time: lecture in Philosophy of Science (Thomas Martin’s class), February 16, 2011.
Understanding the tectonics behind the Honshu Earthquake and Tsunami: Japan Panel, April 12, 2011.
Mapping the coal fire at Centralia: Geoclub, April 13, 2011.
Sunbury Rotary Club, The Edison, “The production of the Marcellus Shale”, Non-Academic, Local, Invited. (May 27, 2010).
The geology of the Katrina Disaster: Hurricane Relief Class (organized by Andy Nagy, October, 2010).
Science Lunch, Susquehanna University, Fisher Science Rm 17, “A Tale of Two Limestones”, Academic, Local. (September 2009).
Discover Selinsgrove (Discovery Kayak Tours), BJ’s Barbeque Restaurant, “The Geology of the Susquehanna: What we think we know”, Non-Academic, Local, Invited. (August 1, 2009).
Hurricane Katrina course, Susquehanna University, Susquehanna University, “The Geology of the Lower Mississippi Valley and its impact on the Katrina Disaster.”, Academic, Local, Invited. (October 20, 2009).
“The Evolution of Fish and other Vertebrates”, Infinity Charter School, Harrisburg, PA, October 28, 2009.
“Examining the Devonian geology in your back yard: Learning to see beyond the rock”, Keynote speaker for the Keystone College Environmental Education Institute’s Geology course July 24, 2005.
“Rocks, Minerals, Mountains and Tsunamis”, presented to the Plains Township Boy Scout Troop, January 4, 2005.
“Digital video in & outside of the geology classroom”, (presented to the Susquehanna University Women’s Association, April 14, 2004).
“A Possible Missing Link?…”, (presented to 67th Annual Field Conference for Pennsylvania Geologists, Tunkhannock PA October 3, 2002). Led the pre-conference field trip at Wyalusing Rocks, PA.
“Ups and Down on a Devonian Floodplain”, (presented to Rutgers University March 13, 2002)
“Ups and Down on a Devonian Floodplain”, (presented to Temple University March 8, 2002)
“Paleoenvironmental interpretation of Upper Devonian plant root traces: Sherman Creek (Catskill Formation), Newport, PA” (presented to Lafayette University March 28, 2001)
When Dinosaurs roamed the Earth and the coal in our backyard.” (presented to Macken Elementary School, Wilkes-Barre, Pa, September 23, 1999).
“Understanding the invasion of different land environments from traces of ancient plants and animals from the Devonian: Battery Point Formation, Gaspé, Québec.” (presented to the East Tennessee Geological Society, Knoxville, February 2, 1999).
“Early to Middle Devonian Land Plants from the Battery Point Formation, Gaspe, Quebec.” Presented to The Association for Women in Science, Knoxville TN, April 2, 1999.
“Taphonomy of Plant and root traces in the Battery Point Formation (Early to Middle Devonian, Gaspé, Québec” (talk presented at the University of Cardiff, Wales, December 10, 1998).
“Drainage Patterns, plants and soils in an evolving coastal to fluvial environment, Battery Point Formation, Gaspé, Québec” (talk presented at the Old Red Sandstone Meeting, Geological Society of London, Piccadilly, London, England, December 7, 1998).
1999 C.H. Gordon Award- Exceptional Professional Promise, nominated by students from the University of Tennessee, $ 250
1999 Chancellor’s Promising Professional Student Award presented by the Chancellor at the University of Tennessee
1998 Most Outstanding Research Project (Proposal)- Sedimentology Division GSA
1998 C.H. Gordon Award- Exceptional Professional Promise, nominated by students from the University of Tennessee, $ 250
1998 Highest Grade Point Average- Department of Geology
1998 Scholarly Activities Research Incentive Fund (SARIF), $ 3,000
1997 George D. Swingle Memorial Award for field-oriented research in Geology at the University of Tennessee, $ 500
1997 Robert J. Weimer Award (Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists), for outstanding student research proposal, $ 500
1994 Mudge-Thompson Scholarship (Kansas State University) for Field Geology, $ 1,000
2014 Summer Research Partners Grant: support of a student to map Legacy Sediments from Middle Creek Lake, funded: $3200
2012 Committee on Faculty Scholarship: funds to publish figures in color for IJCG manuscript, funded $1,000
2011 Summer Research Partners Grant: support of a student to use XRD, XRF and petrographic microscope over summer. Geochemistry, Mineralogy, and sedimentology of the Marcellus Formation, funded: $2800
2009 Summer Research Partners Grant: support of a student to use XRD, XRF and petrographic microscope over summer. Examination of the Keyser and Tonoloway Formations (early-Middle Devonian), funded: $2800
2007 Academic Computing Committee Grant: PDF-4 plus software for X-ray diffractometer, funded: $5775
2005 Academic Computing Committee Grant: Equipment for digital video underwater housing funded: $2,500
2003 National Science Foundation Course Curriculum Laboratory Improvement (Adaptation and Implementation): Improvement of Undergraduate Geology and Earth Materials Curricula Through X-ray Diffraction (submitted Dec. 4) not funded: $82, 416
2003 Teaching and Innovation Degenstein Grant- Enhancement of geology course content: virtual fieldtrips produced with digital video (submitted April 25): funded: $3,137
2003 Faculty Research Grant: Comparison of terrestrial deposits from the Appalachian Basin: Middle and Late Devonian paleosols from Québec, Canada and central Pennsylvania, U.S.A. funded: $2,500
2002 National Science Foundation Course Curriculum Laboratory Improvement (Adaptation and Implementation): Improvement of Geology and Earth Materials Undergraduate Curricula Through Portable X-ray Diffraction (submitted Dec. 4) not funded: $74,036
2002 Faculty Research Grant (Susquehanna University): Support for student researcher “Possible Dune Field on Susquehanna University Campus (Wisconsinan)”, funded: $2,500
2001 Department of Conservation and Natural Resources: Grant to conduct field mapping Central Augusta, funded: $500
2001 Department of Conservation and Natural Resources: Grant to conduct field mapping Lower Augusta, funded: $1000
2001 Faculty Research Grant, “Identification of Early Vascular Land Plants and Devonian paleoenvironments: Newport, PA”,funded: $1,880
2001 Research Partnership Grant, Susquehanna University, “Trace element geochemistry of mollusk shells in the Susquehanna Valley River Basin”, funded: $2,500
1998 Geological Society of America, Southeast Section, “Paleopedology and Sedimentology of Cap-aux-Os and Fort Prével Members, Battery Point Formation (Early to Middle Devonian), Gaspé, Québec.”, funded: $200.
1998 Sigma Xi, in support of laboratory research, “Paleopedology and Sedimentology of Cap-aux-Os and Fort Prével Members, Battery Point Formation (Early to Middle Devonian), Gaspé, Québec”, funded: $500.
1998 Geological Society of America, laboratory research, “Paleopedology and Sedimentology of Cap-aux-Os and Fort Prével Members, Battery Point Formation (Early to Middle Devonian), Gaspé, Québec.”, funded: $550.
1997 Sigma Xi, in support of field research in Gaspé, “Paleopedology and Sedimentology of Cap-aux-Os and Fort Prével Members, Battery Point Formation (Early to Middle Devonian), Gaspé, Québec.”, funded: $700.
Bartoli, Claudia, Elick, Jennifer M., and Ressler, Daniel, 2014, Evaluating the habitat suitability of the bald eagle Haliaeetus Alascanus along the Susquehanna River: Senior Scholars Day at Susquehanna University.
Sullivan, Evan, 2014, Analysis and Interpretation of Devonian age Trace Fossils fomr the Catskill Formation (Sherman Creek Mbr.): Senior Scholars Day at Susquehanna University.
2012 Collin Littlefield- The Paleoenvironment Around the Keyser and Tonoloway Stromotoporoid reef: Selinsgrove Junction….underway…presented at Susquehanna University Senior Scholar’s Day.
2012 Neubaurer, Rebecca, “Production of a model of the coal fire at Centralia, PA”, underway…
2011-2012 Strella, Lauren, “The elemental geochemistry and mineralogy of a Triassic Diabase Dike: Liverpool, PA”, presented at the geological Society of America Meeting, Charolette, NC
2011 Lash, Nikki, “Mapping the distribution of vegetation across Fire front 1 in Centralia, PA”
2011 Lucas, C. J, “Measuring heat loss in buildings on Susquehanna University Campus using Thermal Infrared Imagery”, presented at Science on the Hill, the Capital Building, Harrisburg, PA
2009 Urey, Melissa “Production of a Rocket Launch Video for Saturday Science.”…education Department
2009 Brown, Kristen, 2009, “Paleoecology and cyclicity of the Keyser Formation; a guide to understanding limestone composition in Mandata, PA”, Presented at the Geological Society of America National Meeting, Portland, OR 2009
2008 Michele Seigle, Paleoecology and cyclicity of the Tonoloway: a guide to understanding limestone composition in Mandata, PA, Presented at the Geological Society of America National Meeting, Portland, OR 2009
2008 Elick, Jennifer M., and Cole, Andrew, 2008, Deforestation and rapid erosion along Penns Creek: Shamokin Dam, PA: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, vol. 40, no. 6, p, 482.
2006 Lida Teneva (Honors thesis, Franklin and Marshall College), “Multi-proxy evaluation of early Holocene Acropora cervicornis from the Enriquillo Valley, Dominican Republic: Implications for local climate dynamics and coral biochemistry”
2005 Angela Dippold, “Sedimentology and Structure of the Region Surrounding Centralia, PA” (worked on a NCUR grant from summer to present)|
2005 Jeremy Apgar, “Characterizing floodplain vegetation from plant root trace patterns: Catskill Formation (Upper Devonian), presented at the Northeastern Section of Geological Society of America, PAS, and Senior Scholars Day.
2003 Brett Schrader, “Comparison of two Upper Devonian Archaeopteris forests in Pennsylvania: Paleoecological and tectonic implications”
2002 Robert Clark, “Fossil Guide for Sunbury, PA 7.5 quadrangle” (Summer and Fall)
2002 Gordon Layfield…Paleoenvironmental interpretation of the Onondaga Formation (Middle Devonian), Selinsgrove Junction, PA (Spring); presented at Senior Scholar’s Day 2002.
2001-2002 Katherine Van Horn, “Paleoenvironmental analysis of Catskill Formation at Newport PA (Summer-Spring); presented at National Geological Society of America Meeting Boston, MA 2001 and again at Senior Scholar’s Day 2002.
2001 Robert Clark, “Trace Element Geochemistry of mollusks within the Susquehanna River Valley.” (Summer-Fall); presented at National Geological Society of America Meeting Boston, MA 2001.
2000-2001 Sam Frank, Geologic Mapping Project: “Distribution and Structure of the Hamilton Group (Middle Devonian), South Sunbury, PA” (Fall-Spring); presented at National Geological Society of America Meeting Boston, MA 2001.
2000-2001 Advisor of Chris Becker, Geologic Mapping Project: “Distribution and Structure of the Hamilton Group (Middle Devonian), Lower Augusta, PA” (Fall)
1999 Chris Junium, Dickinson College, Carlisle, (Co-advisor for student research project) (Culpeper Basin, Virginia). (Fall-Spring); presented at Northeastern Geological Society of America Meeting, New Brunswick, NJ 2000.
1997 Clint Penefield, mentor for research project- University of Tennessee (Spring)
1996 Rachel Green, Oberlin College, OH, mentor for research project (Winter)
2014 Reviewed “Subsurface fire and subsidence at Valle del Potosi (Nuevo Leon, Mexico) due to peat layer smoldering” for Boletin Sociedad Geológica Mexicana
2013 Co-Chair of the Technical Program: “New Frontiers in Coal Geology.” for the National Geological Society of America Meeting at Charolette, NC.
2012 Reviewed “Discovering potential coalfields with GIS method, a special Turkish case” International Journal of Coal Geology
2012 Reviewed a paper on the Wuda Coal Fire in China…. International Journal of Coal Geology
2011 Reviewed “Gas emissions, minerals, and tars associated with three coal fires, Powder River Basin, USA for Science of the Total Environment… International Journal of Coal Geology
2011 Reviewed “Old Smokey coal fire, Floyd County, Kentucky: Estimates of gaseous emission rates” … International Journal of Coal Geology
2011 Reviewed “Estimating the rate of CO2 emissions and coal consumption from coal fire near Durango, CO” … International Journal of Coal Geology
2010 Reviewed “Marine Influence in the Upper Ordovician Juniata Formation (Potters Mills, Pennsylvania)?: Implications: for the History of Life on Land” Palaois.
2007 Reviewed Manuscript for Palaois “A new view of early tetrapod evolution from Late Devonian paleosols in Pennsylvania”
2006 Co-Chair of the Technical Program: “Paleosols across the landscape.” for the Northeastern Geological Society of America Meeting at Harrisburg in March 2005.
2004 Reviewed Manuscripts for Palaios
2015 ~ Saturday Science
~ Faculty advisor: Pennsylvania Assoc. of Environmental Professionals (PAEP)
~ Faculty Advisor Sigma Gamma Epsilon, SGE (Earth Science Honor Society)
~ Faculty advisor the new Outdoors Club
2014 ~ Accepted Student Open House (Fall and Spring)
~ Theme Committee (chair)
~ International Studies Committee
~ Saturday Science
~ Faculty advisor: Pennsylvania Assoc. of Environmental Professionals (PAEP)
~ Faculty Advisor Sigma Gamma Epsilon, SGE (Earth Science Honor Society)
~ Faculty advisor the new Outdoors Club
2013 ~ Accepted Student Open House (Fall and Spring)
~ Science Action Day- Modeling stream features and how they occur in nature
~ taught “Geology and Ecology of the Desert Southwest” over winter break
~presented fossils, Campus Theatre, Lewisburg: “Inherit the Wind”, ACLU
~ developed “Early Bird Special”: faculty presentations at local businesses
~ Theme Committee (chair)
~ International Studies Committee
~ Saturday Science
~ Faculty advisor: Pennsylvania Assoc. of Environmental Professionals (PAEP)
~ Faculty Advisor Sigma Gamma Epsilon, SGE (Earth Science Honor Society)
2012 ~ Accepted Student Open House (Fall and Spring)
~ Saturday Science
~ Theme Committee (chair)
~ Teaching and Learning Committee
~ International Studies Committee
~ taught “Geology of Appalachians” over winter break 2012
~ Faculty advisor: Pennsylvania Assoc. of Environmental Professionals (PAEP)
~ Faculty Advisor Sigma Gamma Epsilon, SGE (Earth Science Honor Society)
~ Service Learning: mucked out houses with students in Tom’s River, NJ over Thanksgiving break (following Hurricane Sandy)
2011 ~ Accepted Student open House (Fall and Spring)
~ Saturday Science
~ Teaching and Learning Committee
~ Participated in Science Action Day “Murder in Centralia”
~ International Studies Committee
~ Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit: taught “Streams” 3 sessions
~ gave talk on earthquake in Honshu, Japan
~ started Departmental facebook site for alumni
~ Faculty advisor: Pennsylvania Assoc. of Environmental Professionals (PAEP)
~ Faculty Advisor Sigma Gamma Epsilon, SGE (Earth Science Honor Society)
2010 ~ Accepted Student open House (Fall and Spring)
~ Saturday Science
~ Teaching and Learning Committee
~ Participated in Science Action Day “Murder in Centralia”
~ International Studies Committee
~ Faculty Advisor Sigma Gamma Epsilon, SGE (Earth Science Honor Society)
2009 ~ Accepted Student open House (Fall and Spring)
~ Saturday Science
~ Teaching and Learning Committee
~ Participated in Science Action Day “Murder in Centralia”
~ International Studies Committee
~ Faculty Advisor Sigma Gamma Epsilon, SGE (Earth Science Honor Society)
2008 ~ Accepted student Open House
~ 7th Grade Green Career Day” - Wyoming County Conservation District
2007 ~ Participated in Science Action Day “Murder in Centralia”
~ Participated in the “Green Career Day” through DCNR in Bradford County
~ Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit: taught “Introduction to Minerals” K-3 and “Introduction to Plate Tectonics” 4-8
~ Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit: taught “Introduction to Fossils” PK-1 and “Evolution of the landscape” 2-4 and 5-8
~ led a geologic hike through Rickets Glen for children belonging to the Woodland Resource Adventure Camp, Wyoming County Conservation District
~ Saturday Science
~ Helped organize Faculty/Staff Kayak trip based on Theme of Water
~ Faculty Advisor Sigma Gamma Epsilon, SGE (Earth Science Honor Society)
2006 ~ Participated on project housing Committee
~ Accompanied students to New Orleans for recovery effort
~ Helped run intern field trip for summer interns (DCNR)
~ Saturday Science
~ Participated in Bradford County career fair
~ visited Greenwood Friends School to teach mineral properties
~ Served on Integrated Communication Committee (early Spring)
~ Safety Committee (Spring only)
~ Faculty Affairs Committee (Spring only)
~ Faculty Advisor Sigma Gamma Epsilon, SGE (Earth Science Honor Society)
2005 ~ Member of Integrated Communications Committee
~ Advisory Committee for International Studies
~ Member of Admissions Committee
~ Member of Faculty Affairs Committee
~ Faculty Advisor Sigma Gamma Epsilon, SGE (Earth Science Honor Society)
~ Saturday Science
2004 ~ Head of Admissions Committee
~ Member of Teaching in Education Committee (ended in May)
~ Member of Faculty Affairs Committee
~ Saturday Science
2003 ~ Admissions Search Committee
~ Leader of field trip for Bradford County Forester’s Association “Introduction to the Devonian of Northeastern PA” (Sept 27)
~ Led university seminar discussion “Krakatoa” book (Sept 30)
~ Elected to Faculty Affairs Committee
~ Head of the Admissions Committee
~ New faculty advisor of Sigma Gamma Epsilon, Eta Lambda Chapter
~ Participated in Johns Hopkins Talented Youth Career Day (Mar 1)
~ Participated as a judge in Susquehanna University College Bowl (Feb 22)
~ PI in Saturday Science with Jack Holt and Pat Nelson (Penn State University)
2002 ~ Helped lead a Special School Meeting on Multicultural Science and SENSOR
~ Attended the Girl Scout Career Fair, Lewisburg, ojkojooPA (Nov.)
~ Led the Faculty Seminar on “The Map that Changed the World” by Simon Winchestor (October 1)
~ Science Luncheon talk - “A possible missing link…?”
~ attended the AAHE Academy on Diversity Conference, Vermont
~ Middle States Evaluation: Member of “Task Force 7: Structure and Practices”
~ Relay for Life- Cancer Society….
~ Member of the Van/Safety Committee
2001 ~ Member of the Admissions Committee
~ Moderated the Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth Career Day
~ Member of the Space Committee, Susquehanna University
2000 ~ Advisor of GeoClub; Susquehanna University
~ Volunteer of Saturday Science, helping in Chemistry and astronomy sessions
~ attended every Science in Action event and Fall/Spring Open House event since arrival at Susquehanna University
~ Department liaison: for prospective science students, Dickinson College
1996-1998 ~ Revised and wrote new laboratory exercises for “Stratigraphy and Sedimentation” class, University of Tennessee
1995 ~ Historian of Sigma Gamma Epsilon, alpha nu chapter, Kansas State University, Department of Geology
1994 ~ Helped revise the student laboratory manual for introductory labs, Kansas State University, Department of Geology
1993-1995 ~ Geologic tour guide (for the public) to the Tuttle Creek Spillway, Manhattan, KS
1993 ~ Geology Ombudsman for Temple University, College of Arts and Science
- EENV-103: Earth System History
- EENV-113: Geology and the Environment
- EENV-213: Oceanography
- EENV-283: Sedimentology/Stratigraphy
- EENV-313: The Susquehanna River
- EENV-383: Soil Science
- EENV-510: Senior Project I
- FYSE-101: First Year Seminar
- OFFP-NIREPCE: Peace and Youth in Northern Ireland
- OFFR-NIREPCE: Peace and Youth in Northern Ireland
- OFFS-NIREPCE: Peace and Youth in Northern Ireland
About Me
Elick is a geologist who specializes in paleoenvironmental reconstruction and sedimentary rocks/environments. Being a geologist at Susquehanna has also allowed her to study mass wasting and rock slides, legacy sediments, landscape evolution, the subsurface mine fire at Centralia, and most recently, microplastics in wastewater effluent flowing into the Susquehanna River.
Her latest publication A Geologic View from Shikellamy Overlook includes interpretations on ancient environments, recent glacial history and landscape evolution at this local state park. This publication was written after taking students on many field trips over the years to the park to show and teach them about these subjects. In fact, Elick has researched and written on many of the locations she takes students to visit because she sees the world as a large classroom.
Elick teaches Geology and the Environment, Oceanography, Earth System History, Sedimentology and Stratigraphy, and The Susquehanna River. She also teaches the earth and environmental sciences senior capstone class and is a co-director of the Global Opportunities program in Ireland and Northern Ireland.
Professional Experience
1995-1999 University of Tennessee- Knoxville, Ph.D. Geology
1993-1995 Kansas State University- Manhattan, M.S. Geology
1992 University of Pennsylvania Field Camp (Y.B.R.A.)
1989-1993 Temple University, B.S. Geology
1999-2000 Dickinson College, Visiting Assistant Professor
2000- present Susquehanna University, Assistant Professor
2005- tenured and promoted to Associate Professor
Society for Sedimentary Geology (SEPM)
Geological Society of America (GSA)
Northeastern Geological Society of America (NEGSA)
Division of Coal Geology
2014-2015 GO New Orleans Program Director, (Global Opportunities)
2012 Hurricane Sandy Relief Leader, Toms River, NJ
2007(spr)-2011 (spr) Department Chair.
2005 Hurricane Katrina Relief Team leader, New Orleans, LA
2000-Present Associate Professor Susquehanna University Geology
Environmental Geology (101), Environmental Hazards (102), Earth System History (103), Geology and the Environment (113), Oceanography (213), Mineralogy and Petrology (260), Sedimentology and Stratigraphy (283), Structural Geology (490), Future of the World Ocean (300), Geological Mapping (491), Capstone (591, 595-596), Ecosystems (201), EENV:250 “Geology and the Ecology of the Southwest” and “Geology of the Southern Appalachians”
1999-2000 Visiting Assistant Professor, Dickinson College, Historical, Geology (102), Sedimentation and Stratigraphy (320), Evolution of Terrestrial Environments (490), The Geology of Pennsylvania (495), Instructor of Introductory Geology Labs
1998 Lecturer, University of Tennessee-Knoxville, Historical Geol. (102)
1998 Teaching Assistant, University of Tennessee-Knoxville, Field Camp- White Sulfur Springs, West Virginia
1996-1997 Volunteer Geologist, Park National Forillon, Gaspé Bay, Québec, provide geologic description and interpretation of rocks exposed within and around park
1995-1999 Teaching Assistant, University of Tennessee- Knoxville, Historical Geology, Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
1994-1996 Volunteer Geoscientist, United States Geological Survey, Reston, VA, field geologist in Predictive Stratigraphic Analysis (PSA) Group
1994-1995 Research Assistant, Kansas State University, Paleobiology of Chaetetids and stromatoporoids
1993-1995 Teaching Assistant, Kansas State University, Paleobiology, Introductory Geology & Field Geologist, Kansas State Geological Survey, Lawrence KS
1993 Teaching Assistant, Temple University, Introductory Geology Lab, Ombudsman of Geology Department
2014 Director of GO New Orleans, LA, Program- helped lead 2 GO New Orleans trips and taught pre-trip and post trip reflection classes- summer and winter 2014- 2015.
2013 Death Valley, Red Rock Canyon, Sequoia National Park, Joshua Tree National Preserve, Mohave Desert, Valley of Fire, Hoover Dam: Geoclub
2012 Mammoth Cave, Creationism Museum, and fossil collection on the Cincinnati Arch: Geoclub.
2006 Grand Canyon, Bryce Canyon, Zoin National Park, Sunset Crater, Petrified Forest, Canyon de Chelly, Monument Valley, Grand Staircase, Glen Canyon Dam: Geoclub.
2005- present Island Beach State Park and Long Beach Island, NJ: Ecosystems, Oceanography, and Sedimentology and Stratigraphy classes.
2003-2004 Sandy Hook, NJ: Ecosystems, Oceanography, and Sedimentology and Stratigraphy classes.
2002 Adirondacks, NY: Mineralogy and Petrology and Chemistry of Natural Waters class (Dan Ressler).
Elick, Jennifer M. and Reitz, Derrek.*, 2015, Controls on mass wasting of the Hamilton Group near Sunbury, Pa: Pennsylvania Geology, Pennsylvania Geologic Survey. (Submitted for Publication, “Pennsylvania Geology”, August 21, 2014).
Elick, Jennifer M., 2013, The Effects of Precipitation on Coal Mine Subsidence and Its Implications in Centralia, PA: International Journal of Coal Geology, vol 105, p. 110-119.
Elick, Jennifer M., 2011, Mapping the Coal Fire at Centralia, PA Using Thermal Infrared Imagery: International Journal of Coal Geology, vol 87, p. 197-203.
Elick, Jennifer M., 2006, Large burrows in the Huntley Mountain Formation: Were they produced by lungfish?, in Fleeger, G. M., Haystacks, Ricketts Folly, and the End of the World: Geology of the Glaciated High Plateau: Guidebook, 71st Annual Field Conference of Pennsylvania Geologists, Ricketts Glenn State Park, p. 95-101.
Elick, Jennifer M., 2006, Paleoenvironmental interpretation of the Lock Haven Formation (Upper Devonian), Forksville, PA, in Fleeger, G. M., Haystacks, Ricketts Folly, and the End of the World: Geology of the Glaciated High Plateau: Guidebook, 71st Annual Field Conference of Pennsylvania Geologists, Ricketts Glenn State Park, p. 86-93.
Elick, Jennifer M., 2002, Rockslide in Sunbury, PA, on January 9, 2002: Pennsylvania Geology, vol. 32, no. 3/4, p. 2-7.
Elick, J. M., 2002, Paleoenvironmental interpretation of a marginal marine environment: the Catskill Formation (Upper Devonian) at Wyalusing Rocks, PA, in Inners, J. D., Fleeger, G. M., eds., from Tunkhannock to Starrucca: bluestone, glacial lakes, and great bridges in the “Endless Mountains” of northeastern Pennsylvania: Guidebook, 67th Annual Field Conference of Pennsylvania Geologists, Tunkhannock, PA, p. 8-14.
Driese, Steve G., Mora, Claudia I., and Elick, Jennifer M., 2000, The Paleosol record of increasing plant diversity and depth of rooting and changes in atmospheric pCO2 in the Siluro-Devonian: The Paleontological Society Papers in Phanerozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems, Russell D. White ed., v. 6, p. 47 to 61.
Elick, Jennifer M., Driese, Steve G., and Mora, Claudia I., 1998, Very large plant and root traces from the Early to Middle Devonian: Implications for early terrestrial ecosystems and atmospheric p(CO2): Geology, vol. 26, no. 2, p. 143-146.
Driese, Steve G., Mora, Claudia I., and Elick, Jennifer M., 1997, Morphology of root traces and stump casts of the earliest trees (Middle to Late Devonian), Pennsylvania and New York, U. S. A.: Palaios, v. 12, p. 524-537. * student author.
Clark, Robert H., and Elick, Jennifer M., 2003, Fossil Guide for Sunbury, PA 7.5 Minute Quadrangle: Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Open File Report, 12 p.
Elick, Jennifer M., and Frank, Samuel, 2002, Structure and distribution of the Hamilton Group: Upper and Lower Augusta, (Sunbury, PA 7.5 Minute Quadrangle): Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Open File Report.
Inners Jon D., Elick, Jennifer M., Gillmeister, Norman M., Harrington, Jonathan W., Owens, Thomas, and Woodrow, Donald L., 2002, Geologic meanderings along the North Branch: to Wyalusing and Azilum along Sullivan’s trail: Pre-Conference Field Trip Guidebook 67th Annual Field Conference of Pennsylvania Geologists, Tunkhannock, PA, 44 p.
Elick, Jennifer M., 1999, Paleoenvironmental interpretation of terrestrial deposits from the Cap-aux-Ox and Fort Prével Members of the Battery Point Formation (Early to Middle Devonian), Gaspé Bay, Québec: Ph.D. Dissertation- the University of Tennessee, p. 211.
Elick, Jennifer M., 1995, Stratigraphic Distribution and Interpretation of a Middle Pennsylvanian “Time-Slice” (Croweburg coal to Verdigris limestone): MS Thesis- Kansas State University, 179 p.
Elick, Jennifer M., 1995, Stratigraphic Distribution and Interpretation of a Middle Pennsylvanian “Time-Slice” (Croweburg coal to Verdigris limestone). Kansas Geological Survey Open File Report 95-24. 179 p.
Elick, Jennifer M., 1994, Stromatolites at the top of the Howe Limestone Member (Red Eagle Limestone): in West, R. R. (ed.) Contributions to the Geology of the Rocks Exposed by the “Flood of ’93” at the Tuttle Creek reservoir Spillway near Manhattan, Kansas. Kansas Geological Survey Open-File Report 94-36, p 3.1- 3.7.
Seaman, Kyle A., Elick, Jennifer M., and Holt, Jack R., Revealing The Hidden Past Of Legacy Sediments From Middle Creek Lake, Selinsgrove, Pa…
Elick, J. M., Field Trip Guidebook- Log of Centralia Stop 1- Annual Field Conference of Pennsylvania Geologists: October 2015
Elick, J. M., The science of the Centralia coal fire: what we have learned in 50 years: Annual Field Conference of Pennsylvania Geologists, Fall 2015, in progress.
Elick, J. M., The Geology, Environmental Science, and History of Centralia coal fire: Centralia, PA: Annual Geological Society of America Field trip, field guidebook, Fall 2015, in progress.
Elick, J. M., Geology of Shikellamy State Park and Isle of Que
Elick, J. M., Paradigm shift for an evolving system: Diverse topics related to the Centralia Mine Fire: Journal of Geoscience Education, in progress.
Elick, J. M., The Effects of the Centralia Coal Fire on Vegetation, in progress.
Elick, J. M., and Strella, L.*, 2013, A Jurassic Intrusion in Middle Paleozoic Valley and Ridge Rock: Liverpool, PA: Pennsylvania Geology, in progress.
Elick, Jennifer M., and Seaman, Kyle, 2014, The Missing Legacy of Middle Creek Lake: Implications of Legacy Sediment Erosion: Susquehanna River Symposium, Bucknell University.
Seaman, Kyle A., Elick, Jennifer M., and Holt, Jack R., 2014, Revealing The Hidden Past Of Legacy Sediments From Middle Creek Lake, Selinsgrove, Pa: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs,
Elick, Jennifer M., 2014, Stark comparisons of an island beach complex- influence from man and storms: Abstracts with Programs - Northeastern Section Meeting Geological Society of America, vol. 46, no. 2, p. 21.
Bartoli, Claudia, Elick, Jennifer M., and Ressler, Daniel, 2014, Evaluating the habitat suitability of the bald eagle Haliaeetus Alascanus along the Susquehanna River: National Counsel of Undergradte Research, poster 5.
Bartoli, Claudia, Elick, Jennifer M., and Ressler, Daniel, 2014, Evaluating the habitat suitability of the bald eagle Haliaeetus Alascanus along the Susquehanna River: Pennsylvania Academy of Science
Bartoli, Claudia, Elick, Jennifer M., and Ressler, Daniel, 2014, Evaluating the habitat suitability of the bald eagle Haliaeetus Alascanus along the Susquehanna River: Senior Scholars Day at Susquehanna University.
Sullivan, Evan and Jennifer M. Elick, 2014, Analysis and Interpretation of Devonian age Trace Fossils from the Catskill Formation (Sherman Creek Mbr.): Senior Scholars Day at Susquehanna University.
Neubauer, R. and Elick, Jennifer M., 2013, Production of a physical model of the Centralia Coal Fire: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 45, No. 7, p.589
Elick, J. M., 2012, Temporal Changes in Vegetation Patterns Associated with the Centralia, PA Coal Fire: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America
Elick, J. M., and Strella, L., 2012, Mineralogic and Geochemical Analysis of a Triassic Diabase: Liverpool, PA: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America
Elick, J. M., 2011, Multiple beds of anthracite coal on fire in Centralia, PA: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America
Lucas, C. J., and Elick, J. M., 2011, Undergraduate Research at the Capitol, Legislative Office for Research Liaison (LORL), Capitol Rotunda (East), “Measuring heat loss in buildings on Susquehanna University Campus using Thermal Infrared Imagery”, Academic, State, published in proceedings (April 26, 2011).
Elick, J. M., 2010, Where’s the heat? Re-Evaluation of the coal fire at Centralia, PA using aerial and ground thermal infrared surveys: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America
Elick, Jennifer M., Brown, Kristen, and Seigle, Michele, 2009, Paleoecology and cyclicity of the Tonoloway and Keyser Formations: a guide to understanding limestone composition in Mandata, PA: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, October 2009, Vol. 41, Issue 7, pp.118.
Elick, Jennifer M., and Cole, Andrew, 2008, Deforestation and rapid erosion along Penns Creek: Shamokin Dam, PA: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, vol. 40, no. 6, p, 482.
Elick, Jennifer M., 2007, Mapping the Centralia mine fire in Pennsylvania using infrared aerial photography: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 39, no. 6, p. 298.
Angela C Dippold and Jennifer M. Elick, 2006, A new interpretation for the geology of Centralia, PA: Northeastern Geological Society of America Meeting, Section, 41st annual meeting Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America 38, no. 2 (this same paper was presented at the NCUR meeting in Ashville)
Elick, Jennifer M., 2006, A hypothetical Catskill catena and controls acting on soil formation: 41st annual Northeastern Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, vol. 38, no. 2.
Driese, Steven G., Mora, Claudia I., and Elick, Jennifer M., 2006, Landscape and climate records derived from Devonian vertic floodplain paleosols, Catskill Formation, Central PA: GSA Annual Meeting Program with Abstracts, vol 38, no. 138, p. 181.
Elick, Jennifer M., 2006, Episodic storm and tectonic influences on a shallow marine shelf: the Lock Haven Formation (Upper Devonian), Forksville, PA: GSA Annual Meeting Program with Abstracts, vol. 38, no. 214, p. 217.
Apgar, Jeremy and Elick, Jennifer M., 2005, Characterizing floodplain vegetation from plant root trace patterns: Catskill Formation (Upper Devonian) Northeastern Section of Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, vol. 37, No. 1, p. 67.
Elick, Jennifer M., 2004, Making Geology movies for undergraduate courses: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, Vol. 36, Issue 5, pp.520
Elick, Jennifer M., 2003, Updating geology courses; use of digital video in- and outside of smart classrooms: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, Vol. 35, Issue 6, pp.250.
Schrader, Brett and Elick, Jennifer M., 2003, Comparison of two Upper Devonian Archaeopteris forests in Pennsylvania: Paleoecological and tectonic implications: Northeastern Geological Society of America Meeting Abstracts with Programs
Elick, Jennifer M., and Inners, Jon, 2002, Upper Devonian crawling trace produced by lobe-finned fish: Catskill Formation, Wyalusing PA: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs v. 34, no. 6, p. 424.
Frank, Samuel, and Elick, Jennifer M., 2001, Structure and distribution of the Hamilton Group: Upper and Lower Augusta, (Sunbury, PA 7.5 Minute Quadrangle): Geological Society of America Meeting Abstracts with Programs v. 33, p. 77.
Van Horn, Katherine J., and Elick, Jennifer M., 2001, Some odd things found in red rocks: Sherman Creek Member (Upper Devonian - Catskill Formation), Newport, PA: Geological Society of America Meeting Abstracts with Programs, v.33, p. 35.
Clark, Robert H., and Elick, Jennifer M., 2001, Trace element analysis of mollusk shells along the Susquehanna River: Sunbury to Selinsgrove, PA: Geological Society of America Meeting Abstracts with Programs, v.33, p. 105.
Elick, Jennifer M., Junium, Christopher K., and Caplan, David, 2000, Controls on Late Devonian soil formation; alluvial-plain deposits from the Sherman Creek Member (Catskill Formation), Newport, Pa: Geological Society of America Northeastern Section Abstracts with Programs, p. 49.
Junium, Christopher K., Niemitz, Jeffery W., and Elick, Jennifer M., 2000, Hydrothermal alteration of the Balls Bluff Siltstone, Culpeper Basin, Virginia: Geological Society of America Northeastern Section Abstracts with Programs, p. 46.
Elick, Jennifer M., Mora, Claudia I., and Driese, Steve G., 1999, Implications of elevated atmospheric pCO2 on early vascular land plants: Stable isotope composition of pedogenic carbonate from the Battery Point Formation (Early to Middle Devonian), Gaspé Bay, Canada: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs.
Elick, Jennifer M., 1998, Drainage Patterns, plants and soils in an evolving coastal to fluvial environment, Battery Point Formation, Gaspé, Québec: in New Perspectives on the Old Red Sandstone, Geological Society of London British Sedimentological Research Group Meeting, Peter Friend and Brian Williams (eds.), p. 9.
Elick, Jennifer M., Driese, Steve G., and Mora, Claudia I., 1997, Plant and animal traces in nearshore, coastal-margin to alluvial plain paleosols, Cap-aux-Os Mbr., Battery Point Formation (Lower Devonian), Gaspé, Québec, Canada: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, vol. 29, no. 6.
Driese, Steve G., Mora, Claudia I., and Elick, Jennifer M., 1996, Morphology and taphonomy of root traces and stump casts of the earliest trees (Middle to Late Devonian), Pennsylvania and New York, U. S. A.: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 28, no. 7, p. 61.
Elick, Jennifer M., Driese, Steve G., and Mora, Claudia I., 1996, Evidence for deep Early to Middle Devonian root systems: Prével Member, Battery Point Formation, Gaspé, Québec: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 28, no. 7, p. 61.
Shapiro, Russel, Elick, Jennifer M., and West, Ronald R., 1996, Paleoenvironmental reconstruction based on stromatolites, Lower Permian Red Eagle Limestone, Kansas: PaleoBios, Vol. 17, Issue 1, Suppl., pp. 9-10
Elick, Jennifer M., 1995, Stratigraphic distribution and interpretation of a Pennsylvanian ‘time slice’ (Croweburg Coal to Verdigris Limestone): Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, Vol. 27, Issue 3, pp.47
Elick, Jennifer M., Shapiro, Russell, and West, Ronald R., 1994, Some Upper Pennsylvanian Stromatolites from Kansas: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 26, no. 1, p. 60.
Revealing The Hidden Past Of Legacy Sediments From Middle Creek Lake, Selinsgrove, Pa: Harrisburg Association of Geologists- at Harrisburg GTS Building, March 12, 2015.
The effect of abundant precipitation on coal fire subsidence: Centralia, PA- at Dickinson College (Oct 3, 2013)
2013 Travel Channel- “America Declassified: City on Fire”- The Whitey Bulger Episode….
2012 Discovery channel (Europe)- “Worlds Strangest Underground Places”
Multiple beds of Anthracite coal on Fire in Centralia, PA- Last presentation of the Temple University 50th Anniversary Colloquium (Nov 2011?)
The geology of the Katrina Disaster: Hurricane Relief Class (October, 2011).
How we understand Geologic time: lecture in Philosophy of Science (Thomas Martin’s class), February 16, 2011.
Understanding the tectonics behind the Honshu Earthquake and Tsunami: Japan Panel, April 12, 2011.
Mapping the coal fire at Centralia: Geoclub, April 13, 2011.
Sunbury Rotary Club, The Edison, “The production of the Marcellus Shale”, Non-Academic, Local, Invited. (May 27, 2010).
The geology of the Katrina Disaster: Hurricane Relief Class (organized by Andy Nagy, October, 2010).
Science Lunch, Susquehanna University, Fisher Science Rm 17, “A Tale of Two Limestones”, Academic, Local. (September 2009).
Discover Selinsgrove (Discovery Kayak Tours), BJ’s Barbeque Restaurant, “The Geology of the Susquehanna: What we think we know”, Non-Academic, Local, Invited. (August 1, 2009).
Hurricane Katrina course, Susquehanna University, Susquehanna University, “The Geology of the Lower Mississippi Valley and its impact on the Katrina Disaster.”, Academic, Local, Invited. (October 20, 2009).
“The Evolution of Fish and other Vertebrates”, Infinity Charter School, Harrisburg, PA, October 28, 2009.
“Examining the Devonian geology in your back yard: Learning to see beyond the rock”, Keynote speaker for the Keystone College Environmental Education Institute’s Geology course July 24, 2005.
“Rocks, Minerals, Mountains and Tsunamis”, presented to the Plains Township Boy Scout Troop, January 4, 2005.
“Digital video in & outside of the geology classroom”, (presented to the Susquehanna University Women’s Association, April 14, 2004).
“A Possible Missing Link?…”, (presented to 67th Annual Field Conference for Pennsylvania Geologists, Tunkhannock PA October 3, 2002). Led the pre-conference field trip at Wyalusing Rocks, PA.
“Ups and Down on a Devonian Floodplain”, (presented to Rutgers University March 13, 2002)
“Ups and Down on a Devonian Floodplain”, (presented to Temple University March 8, 2002)
“Paleoenvironmental interpretation of Upper Devonian plant root traces: Sherman Creek (Catskill Formation), Newport, PA” (presented to Lafayette University March 28, 2001)
When Dinosaurs roamed the Earth and the coal in our backyard.” (presented to Macken Elementary School, Wilkes-Barre, Pa, September 23, 1999).
“Understanding the invasion of different land environments from traces of ancient plants and animals from the Devonian: Battery Point Formation, Gaspé, Québec.” (presented to the East Tennessee Geological Society, Knoxville, February 2, 1999).
“Early to Middle Devonian Land Plants from the Battery Point Formation, Gaspe, Quebec.” Presented to The Association for Women in Science, Knoxville TN, April 2, 1999.
“Taphonomy of Plant and root traces in the Battery Point Formation (Early to Middle Devonian, Gaspé, Québec” (talk presented at the University of Cardiff, Wales, December 10, 1998).
“Drainage Patterns, plants and soils in an evolving coastal to fluvial environment, Battery Point Formation, Gaspé, Québec” (talk presented at the Old Red Sandstone Meeting, Geological Society of London, Piccadilly, London, England, December 7, 1998).
1999 C.H. Gordon Award- Exceptional Professional Promise, nominated by students from the University of Tennessee, $ 250
1999 Chancellor’s Promising Professional Student Award presented by the Chancellor at the University of Tennessee
1998 Most Outstanding Research Project (Proposal)- Sedimentology Division GSA
1998 C.H. Gordon Award- Exceptional Professional Promise, nominated by students from the University of Tennessee, $ 250
1998 Highest Grade Point Average- Department of Geology
1998 Scholarly Activities Research Incentive Fund (SARIF), $ 3,000
1997 George D. Swingle Memorial Award for field-oriented research in Geology at the University of Tennessee, $ 500
1997 Robert J. Weimer Award (Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists), for outstanding student research proposal, $ 500
1994 Mudge-Thompson Scholarship (Kansas State University) for Field Geology, $ 1,000
2014 Summer Research Partners Grant: support of a student to map Legacy Sediments from Middle Creek Lake, funded: $3200
2012 Committee on Faculty Scholarship: funds to publish figures in color for IJCG manuscript, funded $1,000
2011 Summer Research Partners Grant: support of a student to use XRD, XRF and petrographic microscope over summer. Geochemistry, Mineralogy, and sedimentology of the Marcellus Formation, funded: $2800
2009 Summer Research Partners Grant: support of a student to use XRD, XRF and petrographic microscope over summer. Examination of the Keyser and Tonoloway Formations (early-Middle Devonian), funded: $2800
2007 Academic Computing Committee Grant: PDF-4 plus software for X-ray diffractometer, funded: $5775
2005 Academic Computing Committee Grant: Equipment for digital video underwater housing funded: $2,500
2003 National Science Foundation Course Curriculum Laboratory Improvement (Adaptation and Implementation): Improvement of Undergraduate Geology and Earth Materials Curricula Through X-ray Diffraction (submitted Dec. 4) not funded: $82, 416
2003 Teaching and Innovation Degenstein Grant- Enhancement of geology course content: virtual fieldtrips produced with digital video (submitted April 25): funded: $3,137
2003 Faculty Research Grant: Comparison of terrestrial deposits from the Appalachian Basin: Middle and Late Devonian paleosols from Québec, Canada and central Pennsylvania, U.S.A. funded: $2,500
2002 National Science Foundation Course Curriculum Laboratory Improvement (Adaptation and Implementation): Improvement of Geology and Earth Materials Undergraduate Curricula Through Portable X-ray Diffraction (submitted Dec. 4) not funded: $74,036
2002 Faculty Research Grant (Susquehanna University): Support for student researcher “Possible Dune Field on Susquehanna University Campus (Wisconsinan)”, funded: $2,500
2001 Department of Conservation and Natural Resources: Grant to conduct field mapping Central Augusta, funded: $500
2001 Department of Conservation and Natural Resources: Grant to conduct field mapping Lower Augusta, funded: $1000
2001 Faculty Research Grant, “Identification of Early Vascular Land Plants and Devonian paleoenvironments: Newport, PA”,funded: $1,880
2001 Research Partnership Grant, Susquehanna University, “Trace element geochemistry of mollusk shells in the Susquehanna Valley River Basin”, funded: $2,500
1998 Geological Society of America, Southeast Section, “Paleopedology and Sedimentology of Cap-aux-Os and Fort Prével Members, Battery Point Formation (Early to Middle Devonian), Gaspé, Québec.”, funded: $200.
1998 Sigma Xi, in support of laboratory research, “Paleopedology and Sedimentology of Cap-aux-Os and Fort Prével Members, Battery Point Formation (Early to Middle Devonian), Gaspé, Québec”, funded: $500.
1998 Geological Society of America, laboratory research, “Paleopedology and Sedimentology of Cap-aux-Os and Fort Prével Members, Battery Point Formation (Early to Middle Devonian), Gaspé, Québec.”, funded: $550.
1997 Sigma Xi, in support of field research in Gaspé, “Paleopedology and Sedimentology of Cap-aux-Os and Fort Prével Members, Battery Point Formation (Early to Middle Devonian), Gaspé, Québec.”, funded: $700.
Bartoli, Claudia, Elick, Jennifer M., and Ressler, Daniel, 2014, Evaluating the habitat suitability of the bald eagle Haliaeetus Alascanus along the Susquehanna River: Senior Scholars Day at Susquehanna University.
Sullivan, Evan, 2014, Analysis and Interpretation of Devonian age Trace Fossils fomr the Catskill Formation (Sherman Creek Mbr.): Senior Scholars Day at Susquehanna University.
2012 Collin Littlefield- The Paleoenvironment Around the Keyser and Tonoloway Stromotoporoid reef: Selinsgrove Junction….underway…presented at Susquehanna University Senior Scholar’s Day.
2012 Neubaurer, Rebecca, “Production of a model of the coal fire at Centralia, PA”, underway…
2011-2012 Strella, Lauren, “The elemental geochemistry and mineralogy of a Triassic Diabase Dike: Liverpool, PA”, presented at the geological Society of America Meeting, Charolette, NC
2011 Lash, Nikki, “Mapping the distribution of vegetation across Fire front 1 in Centralia, PA”
2011 Lucas, C. J, “Measuring heat loss in buildings on Susquehanna University Campus using Thermal Infrared Imagery”, presented at Science on the Hill, the Capital Building, Harrisburg, PA
2009 Urey, Melissa “Production of a Rocket Launch Video for Saturday Science.”…education Department
2009 Brown, Kristen, 2009, “Paleoecology and cyclicity of the Keyser Formation; a guide to understanding limestone composition in Mandata, PA”, Presented at the Geological Society of America National Meeting, Portland, OR 2009
2008 Michele Seigle, Paleoecology and cyclicity of the Tonoloway: a guide to understanding limestone composition in Mandata, PA, Presented at the Geological Society of America National Meeting, Portland, OR 2009
2008 Elick, Jennifer M., and Cole, Andrew, 2008, Deforestation and rapid erosion along Penns Creek: Shamokin Dam, PA: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, vol. 40, no. 6, p, 482.
2006 Lida Teneva (Honors thesis, Franklin and Marshall College), “Multi-proxy evaluation of early Holocene Acropora cervicornis from the Enriquillo Valley, Dominican Republic: Implications for local climate dynamics and coral biochemistry”
2005 Angela Dippold, “Sedimentology and Structure of the Region Surrounding Centralia, PA” (worked on a NCUR grant from summer to present)|
2005 Jeremy Apgar, “Characterizing floodplain vegetation from plant root trace patterns: Catskill Formation (Upper Devonian), presented at the Northeastern Section of Geological Society of America, PAS, and Senior Scholars Day.
2003 Brett Schrader, “Comparison of two Upper Devonian Archaeopteris forests in Pennsylvania: Paleoecological and tectonic implications”
2002 Robert Clark, “Fossil Guide for Sunbury, PA 7.5 quadrangle” (Summer and Fall)
2002 Gordon Layfield…Paleoenvironmental interpretation of the Onondaga Formation (Middle Devonian), Selinsgrove Junction, PA (Spring); presented at Senior Scholar’s Day 2002.
2001-2002 Katherine Van Horn, “Paleoenvironmental analysis of Catskill Formation at Newport PA (Summer-Spring); presented at National Geological Society of America Meeting Boston, MA 2001 and again at Senior Scholar’s Day 2002.
2001 Robert Clark, “Trace Element Geochemistry of mollusks within the Susquehanna River Valley.” (Summer-Fall); presented at National Geological Society of America Meeting Boston, MA 2001.
2000-2001 Sam Frank, Geologic Mapping Project: “Distribution and Structure of the Hamilton Group (Middle Devonian), South Sunbury, PA” (Fall-Spring); presented at National Geological Society of America Meeting Boston, MA 2001.
2000-2001 Advisor of Chris Becker, Geologic Mapping Project: “Distribution and Structure of the Hamilton Group (Middle Devonian), Lower Augusta, PA” (Fall)
1999 Chris Junium, Dickinson College, Carlisle, (Co-advisor for student research project) (Culpeper Basin, Virginia). (Fall-Spring); presented at Northeastern Geological Society of America Meeting, New Brunswick, NJ 2000.
1997 Clint Penefield, mentor for research project- University of Tennessee (Spring)
1996 Rachel Green, Oberlin College, OH, mentor for research project (Winter)
2014 Reviewed “Subsurface fire and subsidence at Valle del Potosi (Nuevo Leon, Mexico) due to peat layer smoldering” for Boletin Sociedad Geológica Mexicana
2013 Co-Chair of the Technical Program: “New Frontiers in Coal Geology.” for the National Geological Society of America Meeting at Charolette, NC.
2012 Reviewed “Discovering potential coalfields with GIS method, a special Turkish case” International Journal of Coal Geology
2012 Reviewed a paper on the Wuda Coal Fire in China…. International Journal of Coal Geology
2011 Reviewed “Gas emissions, minerals, and tars associated with three coal fires, Powder River Basin, USA for Science of the Total Environment… International Journal of Coal Geology
2011 Reviewed “Old Smokey coal fire, Floyd County, Kentucky: Estimates of gaseous emission rates” … International Journal of Coal Geology
2011 Reviewed “Estimating the rate of CO2 emissions and coal consumption from coal fire near Durango, CO” … International Journal of Coal Geology
2010 Reviewed “Marine Influence in the Upper Ordovician Juniata Formation (Potters Mills, Pennsylvania)?: Implications: for the History of Life on Land” Palaois.
2007 Reviewed Manuscript for Palaois “A new view of early tetrapod evolution from Late Devonian paleosols in Pennsylvania”
2006 Co-Chair of the Technical Program: “Paleosols across the landscape.” for the Northeastern Geological Society of America Meeting at Harrisburg in March 2005.
2004 Reviewed Manuscripts for Palaios
2015 ~ Saturday Science
~ Faculty advisor: Pennsylvania Assoc. of Environmental Professionals (PAEP)
~ Faculty Advisor Sigma Gamma Epsilon, SGE (Earth Science Honor Society)
~ Faculty advisor the new Outdoors Club
2014 ~ Accepted Student Open House (Fall and Spring)
~ Theme Committee (chair)
~ International Studies Committee
~ Saturday Science
~ Faculty advisor: Pennsylvania Assoc. of Environmental Professionals (PAEP)
~ Faculty Advisor Sigma Gamma Epsilon, SGE (Earth Science Honor Society)
~ Faculty advisor the new Outdoors Club
2013 ~ Accepted Student Open House (Fall and Spring)
~ Science Action Day- Modeling stream features and how they occur in nature
~ taught “Geology and Ecology of the Desert Southwest” over winter break
~presented fossils, Campus Theatre, Lewisburg: “Inherit the Wind”, ACLU
~ developed “Early Bird Special”: faculty presentations at local businesses
~ Theme Committee (chair)
~ International Studies Committee
~ Saturday Science
~ Faculty advisor: Pennsylvania Assoc. of Environmental Professionals (PAEP)
~ Faculty Advisor Sigma Gamma Epsilon, SGE (Earth Science Honor Society)
2012 ~ Accepted Student Open House (Fall and Spring)
~ Saturday Science
~ Theme Committee (chair)
~ Teaching and Learning Committee
~ International Studies Committee
~ taught “Geology of Appalachians” over winter break 2012
~ Faculty advisor: Pennsylvania Assoc. of Environmental Professionals (PAEP)
~ Faculty Advisor Sigma Gamma Epsilon, SGE (Earth Science Honor Society)
~ Service Learning: mucked out houses with students in Tom’s River, NJ over Thanksgiving break (following Hurricane Sandy)
2011 ~ Accepted Student open House (Fall and Spring)
~ Saturday Science
~ Teaching and Learning Committee
~ Participated in Science Action Day “Murder in Centralia”
~ International Studies Committee
~ Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit: taught “Streams” 3 sessions
~ gave talk on earthquake in Honshu, Japan
~ started Departmental facebook site for alumni
~ Faculty advisor: Pennsylvania Assoc. of Environmental Professionals (PAEP)
~ Faculty Advisor Sigma Gamma Epsilon, SGE (Earth Science Honor Society)
2010 ~ Accepted Student open House (Fall and Spring)
~ Saturday Science
~ Teaching and Learning Committee
~ Participated in Science Action Day “Murder in Centralia”
~ International Studies Committee
~ Faculty Advisor Sigma Gamma Epsilon, SGE (Earth Science Honor Society)
2009 ~ Accepted Student open House (Fall and Spring)
~ Saturday Science
~ Teaching and Learning Committee
~ Participated in Science Action Day “Murder in Centralia”
~ International Studies Committee
~ Faculty Advisor Sigma Gamma Epsilon, SGE (Earth Science Honor Society)
2008 ~ Accepted student Open House
~ 7th Grade Green Career Day” - Wyoming County Conservation District
2007 ~ Participated in Science Action Day “Murder in Centralia”
~ Participated in the “Green Career Day” through DCNR in Bradford County
~ Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit: taught “Introduction to Minerals” K-3 and “Introduction to Plate Tectonics” 4-8
~ Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit: taught “Introduction to Fossils” PK-1 and “Evolution of the landscape” 2-4 and 5-8
~ led a geologic hike through Rickets Glen for children belonging to the Woodland Resource Adventure Camp, Wyoming County Conservation District
~ Saturday Science
~ Helped organize Faculty/Staff Kayak trip based on Theme of Water
~ Faculty Advisor Sigma Gamma Epsilon, SGE (Earth Science Honor Society)
2006 ~ Participated on project housing Committee
~ Accompanied students to New Orleans for recovery effort
~ Helped run intern field trip for summer interns (DCNR)
~ Saturday Science
~ Participated in Bradford County career fair
~ visited Greenwood Friends School to teach mineral properties
~ Served on Integrated Communication Committee (early Spring)
~ Safety Committee (Spring only)
~ Faculty Affairs Committee (Spring only)
~ Faculty Advisor Sigma Gamma Epsilon, SGE (Earth Science Honor Society)
2005 ~ Member of Integrated Communications Committee
~ Advisory Committee for International Studies
~ Member of Admissions Committee
~ Member of Faculty Affairs Committee
~ Faculty Advisor Sigma Gamma Epsilon, SGE (Earth Science Honor Society)
~ Saturday Science
2004 ~ Head of Admissions Committee
~ Member of Teaching in Education Committee (ended in May)
~ Member of Faculty Affairs Committee
~ Saturday Science
2003 ~ Admissions Search Committee
~ Leader of field trip for Bradford County Forester’s Association “Introduction to the Devonian of Northeastern PA” (Sept 27)
~ Led university seminar discussion “Krakatoa” book (Sept 30)
~ Elected to Faculty Affairs Committee
~ Head of the Admissions Committee
~ New faculty advisor of Sigma Gamma Epsilon, Eta Lambda Chapter
~ Participated in Johns Hopkins Talented Youth Career Day (Mar 1)
~ Participated as a judge in Susquehanna University College Bowl (Feb 22)
~ PI in Saturday Science with Jack Holt and Pat Nelson (Penn State University)
2002 ~ Helped lead a Special School Meeting on Multicultural Science and SENSOR
~ Attended the Girl Scout Career Fair, Lewisburg, ojkojooPA (Nov.)
~ Led the Faculty Seminar on “The Map that Changed the World” by Simon Winchestor (October 1)
~ Science Luncheon talk - “A possible missing link…?”
~ attended the AAHE Academy on Diversity Conference, Vermont
~ Middle States Evaluation: Member of “Task Force 7: Structure and Practices”
~ Relay for Life- Cancer Society….
~ Member of the Van/Safety Committee
2001 ~ Member of the Admissions Committee
~ Moderated the Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth Career Day
~ Member of the Space Committee, Susquehanna University
2000 ~ Advisor of GeoClub; Susquehanna University
~ Volunteer of Saturday Science, helping in Chemistry and astronomy sessions
~ attended every Science in Action event and Fall/Spring Open House event since arrival at Susquehanna University
~ Department liaison: for prospective science students, Dickinson College
1996-1998 ~ Revised and wrote new laboratory exercises for “Stratigraphy and Sedimentation” class, University of Tennessee
1995 ~ Historian of Sigma Gamma Epsilon, alpha nu chapter, Kansas State University, Department of Geology
1994 ~ Helped revise the student laboratory manual for introductory labs, Kansas State University, Department of Geology
1993-1995 ~ Geologic tour guide (for the public) to the Tuttle Creek Spillway, Manhattan, KS
1993 ~ Geology Ombudsman for Temple University, College of Arts and Science